Xie Yuanqing

Xie Yuanqing's "Fat Man" sculpture has lasted for over 20 years, dating back as far as his junior year of college.In 1998, Xie Yuanqing created a sculpture titled "Fat Man Tumbling" under the influence of Colombian artist Botero. Influenced by the Colombian artist Botero, Xie Yuanqing created a sculpture titled "Rolling Forward and Backward" under the title of "Fat Man's Tumbling", which won a prize in the provincial exhibition and was selected for the national exhibition, and then in 2005, in order to participate in the Sports Art Exhibition, he again took the language of volume as the entry point and began to create the "Slender Yoga" series of fat men. In 2005, in order to participate in the Sports Art Exhibition, he again took the language of volume as the starting point and began to create the "Slender Yoga" series of fat men. From there, he moved on to the "Kung Fu Series", "Hero Series", "Head Series", and then to the "Tree Man Series" and From there, the "Kung Fu Series", "Hero Series", "Head Series", "Tree Man Series" and "Up Series", the ideas have been advanced and the spiritual aspects involved have been widened day by day.
As the author says, the fatness of the figures in the work is a metaphysical reference to "excess," "expansion," or "inertia," rather than a metaphysical realistic representation of the human body. It is both an irony, a mental sugar coating set by the artist, and an intensification of the sculptural volume and a stylized expression of his personal artistic language. These works show his good academic education and modeling ability, and at the same time, together with the humorous mood, they form a sense of "light as heavy", which is not only the author's metaphor and care for the present time, but also reveals some self-examination of the artist, who once said, "Since the time has shaped us, we also He once said, "Since the times have shaped us, we try to shape the times" - the times and we are one.
When reading Xie Yuanqing's works, it is not difficult to find another layer of characteristics. He likes to find creative space in the cultural heritage of the East, and graft the Zen rhythm of the East with the modern temperament of the West, finding his own cultural support and charm in the language of contemporary art. Therefore, in his humorous and relaxed fat sculptures, one can often feel a certain Zen feeling and ease. Behind the humorous and relatable appearance of his works, there is a symbolic meaning of good-natured mockery, but deep down, there is also a sense of introspection and self-reflection, and the author's diversified artistic thinking and the expansion of his aesthetic character are thus quite clear.




Xie Yuanqing was born in Guangzhou, China


graduated in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor’s degree in sculpture


He acquired his master’s degree in sculpture

Selected Exhibitions


Art Stage Singapore 2017, SINGAPORE


Art Stage Singapore 2016, SINGAPORE


Boarder-Crossing, 2nd Joint Art Exhibition of Young Artists from Guangdong Province, CHINA


Joint Art Exhibition of Young Artists from Guangdong Province, CHINA Two Individuals, Guangzhou, CHINA


Externalization, San Cai Gallery, Guangzhou, CHINA


Art Shanghai, Shanghai, CHINA


The present is the Future of the Past”, Guangzhou Art Exhibition of Contemporary Young Artists 2009

Guangzhou, CHINA

Guangdong Art Exhibition for Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of Founding of the People’s Republic o

China, CHINA


The 1st Guangdong Sculpture Exhibition, Guangzhou, CHINA

Sports Sculptures Exhibition, MACAU

Guangdong Art Exhibition, for Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of China’s Economic Reform Policy



Go! Go! Go!, the 2nd Art Exhibition of Guangdong Young Artists, Guangzhou, CHINA


Art Guangdong, Guangzhou, CHINA

"Oil paintings from Lingnan and Selected Sculptures”, Art tour Guangdong, CHINA


Vision Express, Joint Exhibition by Young Artist, Shanghai, CHINA

Mei Yuan Cup, Joint Exhibition of Students from Art Academies in CHINA, CHINA

Biennial Exhibition celebrating urban Architectures, Shenzhen, CHINA

Biennial International Urban Sculpture Exhibition, Shanghai, CHINA


Open Attitude, the 1st Art Exhibition by contemporary Young Artist of Guangdong, Guangzhou, CHINA

Guangdong Art Exhibition for celebrating the 55th Anniversary of Founding of The People’s Republic o

China, Guangdong, CHINA


Sculpture Olympia, Bei Dai He, CHINA


International Urban Sculpture Exhibition, Beijing, CHINA

National Art Exhibit, celebrating the 60th Anniversary of “On Literatures and Arts in YanAn by Mao ZeDong

Beijing, CHINA


The 5th Sports Artwork Exhibition of Guangdong, CHINA

National Sports Artwork Exhibition, CHINA


Guangdong Artwork Exhibition for celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Founding of The People’s Republic o

China, CHINA

Awards and Grants


Prize for Excellence, Joint Art Exhibition of Young Artists from Guangdong Province, CHINA


Prize for Excellence, Oil paintings from Southern CHINA and Selected Sculptures Exhibits, Art tou

Guangdong, CHINA


Prize for Academic Achievements: "Mei Yuan Cup, Joint Students Art Exhibition of Chinese Art Academies, CHINA


Prize Nomination on International Sculpture Exhibition, Beijing, CHINA


Prize for Excellence, The 5th Sporting Artwork Exhibition of Guangdong Province, CHINA