Liu Fei

Today we live in a world full of machine and men made materials.

We create this materials and machines to ease up our lives, According to Heidegger however the existence of all machines to threaten our place in the world and we are starting to feel lost in it.

Liu Fei says: The human Being is a result of nature, and a spiritual existence however we humans are trying to win nature and master it. The space conquered by humans from original nature is increasing steadily. The home of our spirit however becomes smaller and smaller. The technical development is becoming a barrier to human existence. Question is how we conquer back our essence of being.

Liu Fei does not use her brush to describe the living creatures, but focus her view on different substances and materials, using the cold machine to symbolize the people's existence. A complicated machine is like a life flower in a bright and cold night, but it does not give us the warmth we need to live.

Liu Fei's work depicts subjects, but not in the traditional sense of still life. These everyday items and symbols of our civilization should be linked to people, but the mechanical structure is cold. She revealed this way the absence of humanity, by using machines to replace people. The spread of nihilism is one major problem facing the human civilization.

As many of her peers of the after 80ties generation, Liu Fei grew up in the new China of industrialization, marketing addicted, with very little local and traditional attachments. In a generation where keywords of life are: Consumption, technical adaptation, branded goods, social networking. She choose to go beyond the "Cartoon Generation"'s superficial patterns. Liu Fei's creations do not indulge in revelry and material consumption and the worship of new technologies, she rather reflects this subject with detached calms. She built a unique artistic world, scorching hot, but cool, clear eyes but impaired. In the area of mechanical reproduction, art remains a halo, though with a weak fluorescent glow.




Born in Henan Province, China


Graduated with a Master Degree from the Oil Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Chongqing, China

Selected Solo Exhibitions


Made by Steel-Liu Fei Solo Show, Someo Fine Arts 798, Beijing, China

Selected Group Exhibitions


Her Vision, Soemo Fine Arts 798, Beijing, China

New Flame 2011, Hangzhou Library, Zhejiang, China


"It's a summer," Annual Exhibition of the Oil Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, China

Graduate Exhibition of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, China

"Who Moved Art History" YCA Exhibition Part l, Dinceng Space, Shanghai, China

Works Selection Exhibition of Chongqing District for The Eleventh National Exhibition Exhibition, Chongqing, China


"Blue and White Porcelain", "Super Delicious" , "the World of SHE" Women Artists Group Exhibition. One Hundred And Eight Art Space, Chongqing, China

"Clean! clean! clean! ", Annual Exhibition of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, China

"View of Sichuan Paintings 2008",  Creation Exhibition of the New Upcoming Artists from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, China

"More contemporary" - Female Artists Exhibition, Hong Kong Auditorium, Hong Kong

"More contemporary", Shanghai, China

Master Graduatees Art Exhibition of Southwest Art Colleges, China

"Picnic" , Tank Library • Contemporary Art Center, Chongqing, China

Fine Art Exhibition of Chongqing Master Graduatees, Chongqing, China


"Dwelling" Jinri Art Museum, Beijing, China

"Threshold" Annual Exhibition of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, China

"Nurturing" Exhibiton of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, China

"Gift" Connection Exhibition Between  Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, China


" the Pet under The sky ", Chongqing Art Museum, China

Two Works "Orange", " the Possibility in the Process " Participated in the "New Vision" 06 Exhibition  - Which is the Third National Exhibition for Art College Excellent Graduatees, Hexiangning Art Museum, China